Tuesday, January 15, 2013

A thought provoking read

I Am a Follower by Leonard Sweet

I received this book a few months ago, but didn't have time to read it beyond the first section. Over Christmas I treated myself to catching up. I am glad I did.

It is interesting how we, with all sincerity, get tangled in the latest fad. One such is the cult of the leader: taking charge and showing others the way. We can use role models like St. Paul or saints who led great movements in the Church. However, we usually miss the fact that that leader was in fact trying to do nothing else but follow Jesus. And that is all that Jesus asks of us: "Come Follow Me".

Sweet weaves his thoughts around Jesus' pronouncement that He is "the Way, the Truth and the Life". Using those few words, Sweet shows us how following Him is the fulfillment of all that Jesus asks of us.
While I am sure people are offering their best when they tell us how we should use corporate models of leadership to be more effective, that is not what we are called to. Sweet makes a persuasive argument to see this issue correctly.

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